With over 220 days on the road, more than 2,800 miles traveled, and less than three weeks until his final walk into San Francisco, Jonathon crossed the California/Nevada border last week on his KivaWalk adventure across the country.

Jonathon reaches San Francisco on Saturday, November 13th and we are inviting the entire Kiva Community in the Bay Area to join us for a mini "Kiva Walk" through the city before coming together for a homecoming celebration at the Presidio Sports Basement. This is an opportunity to pay tribute to someone who has committed nearly a year of his life to help spread Kiva's mission. He has gone above and beyond and is a wonderful example to us all!
The mini "Kiva Walk":
The San Francisco KivaWalk will start at 9:00 AM on Saturday, November 13th, at the Ferry Building (located at the intersection of Market Street and the Embarcadero). For those wishing to do a half-walk, you can meet Jonathon around 12:00pm at Ocean Beach off of the Great Highway (intersection of Fulton Street).
Walking space is limited, please email Jonathon Stalls at
The Homecoming Celebration
The Homecoming Celebration will take place at the Presidio Sports Basement from 3:00pm - 6:00pm and all are welcome to join! Entrance is free and guests will receive a 10% discount on anything purchased at the store during our event, and an additional 10% of all purchases will be donated to Kiva!
We hope to see you all there!

KivaWalk News Coverage:
Carbon County Sun Advocate
The Daily Herald
The Columbus Dispatch
The Metropolitan Online
The Ely Times
Tahoe Daily Tribune
A new KivaWalk T-Shirt made by Channy Sokh Group at Ahkun.org can be purchased to show your support for Jonathon and his KivaWalk across the US. To view this shirt, please click here.
Also, check out the Kiva Walk Lending Team - they've already contributed over $47,000 in loans just in the month of October, putting them in 3rd place and ahead of teams who have well over 1,000 members!

**Disclaimer: Please note that the KivaWalk website is operated and monitored by Jonathon Stalls, and is independent of, and not affiliated with, Kiva Microfunds (“Kiva”), including its website (Kiva.org). Kiva and “Kiva Walk” are two separate and non-affiliated entities, and any transactions an individual may decide to make through or forKivaWalk or otherwise for Jonathan’s trek—whether financial or non-financial—would be solely for the benefit ofKivaWalk and would not be for the benefit of the Kiva organization.