Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Off to Uganda with Frontline World!

Our very own Matt and Jessica Flannery have flown to Uganda today to meet the Frontline World crew in Kampala. They'll be visting Kiva's partners Life in Africa and WITEP to learn about how our partners manage the loans on the ground, and also meeting some borrowers and new loan applicants to capture their experiences. We're really excited to see the footage of these people we communicate with every week via email and Skype but haven't actually met in person yet, and of course to see footage of some of the borrowers.

The air date is looking like October 31, however we will confirm this as the date approaches so stay tuned. To whet your appetite is a picture of some local Ugandan's observing some of the filming which has already taken place prior to Matt and Jessica's arrival (thanks Carl for the pic!).