We are excited to be connecting Kiva Lenders with entrepreneurs in Togo, and hope you enjoy lending to this region!Humanitarian Efforts to Lessen Poverty in Africa ( HELP Africa ) was founded in 2000 to further socio-economic development and human capacity building in key areas of Africa. HELP Africa is also legally
registered in Togo, is a US 501-c-3 organization and is also registered in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Benin .
HELP Africa's mission is to serve as a catalyst for social change and social entrepreneurship at the local level in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is particularly focused on supporting dignity and increasing opportunities for underserved women, youth and children.
In order to accomplish these goals, HELP Africa provides technical and organizational assistance to community based organizations such as women and youth group. Through its technical assistance programs, HELP Africa builds the local capacity of organization, helping create a future of community based networks that are sustainablly managed and operated.
HELP Africa's programs include the development of microfinance initiatives, micro-enterprise development and capacity building, and local leadership development initiatives. HELP Africa was recently awarded 80 hectares of land to build a training and technical assistance center, and to host pilot projects for women and youth.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Kiva.org partners with HELP Africa, in Togo
Kiva.org is proud to announce our first partnership in Togo with HELP Africa: