Kiva is best known for funding loans to help entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses. Learn what Kiva is doing beyond this to fund non-financial services and non-traditional loans:
Kiva Webinar Series Part 2:
What is Kiva Doing Beyond Funding Business Loans?
Date: Monday September 19th, 2011
Time: 11amPST/2pmEST
How: Sign up here
Click here to learn more about non-financial services and we encourage questions via our Facebook page in advance of the webinar. Kiva's Director of Social Performance, JD Bergeron, will be presenting and moderating the discussion.
If you are unable to attend the live webinar, a recorded version will be available on the Kiva Blog. Click here to view the recorded version of the Kiva Webinar Series Part 1: How Kiva Chooses Field Partners.
We will continue to offer the chance to vote on future topics and allow you to pose questions specific to the subject matter in advance of the webinar. Please be sure to follow us on Facebook so you don't miss the chance to help shape future Kiva Webinars.
We look forward to this discussion on Monday!