Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phun Them "meets" her lenders!

Phun Them is a silk weaver in Cambodia, who is currently repaying a $400 loan to purchase silk. Recently, she was shown the the business page for her loan and the lender profiles for the lenders who contributed to her loan. Watch the video below!!

This video was created by Advanta's Kiva B4B program. The Kiva B4B program matches loans made to Kiva entrepreneurs using the Advanta BusinessCard up to $200 a month. Learn more about the matching program here, and how to get an Advanta Kiva BusinessCard here. You an also check out the KivaB4B lending team here.

The Advanta Kiva B4B program feels so strongly about entrepreneurs supporting other entrepreneurs around the world, that they wanted to meet some of the lenders and borrowers that are connected through Kiva. Beginning late last year a film crew visited a number of Kiva Lenders, and the entrepreneurs they loaned to.

One of the lenders was Rod Kurtz, a senior editor at Inc.com. Last year Inc.com pooled money amongst some employees, including Rod, and loaned as a group. You can check out their lender profile here, and and read about their "Adventure in Microlending" here.

Rod and Phun are the first lender and entrepreneur who've been "connected" through the videos that Advanta Kiva B4B are creating, and you can read more about the video on the Inc.com blog.

Huge thanks to the Advanta Kiva B4B program for their support of Kiva, and for sharing these stories with us. Learn more about the Advanta partnership with Kiva here.