Friday, April 6, 2007

Listen to The Forum featuring Premal Shah and Jonathan Morduch

Premal Shah, President, and Jonathan Morduch, professor of public policy and economics at New York University and co-author of "The Economics of Microfinance", were interviewed today on The Forum. The show featured a discussion on "Microfinance and Social Justice Philanthropy" and included calls from listeners.

If you missed it on NPR, click here to listen to the show online.

In other news... don't forget's second Second Life Meet-up will take place on Monday, April 9 at noon PDT. Our first meet-up featured some great discussion about how works with the infrastructural limitations of the developing world and we'd welcome your questions and comments.

To get to the Kiva Virtual Office use this SLURL once you're in Second Life:

Thanks to Second Life's Linkz Marketing for building and supporting the Kiva Virtual Office.